Monday, March 30, 2009

The Twin Oakes

I got a gig shooting interiors for a local construction company(sweet), and had an assignment this September to shoot the interior of the Spertus Museum on Michigan Ave. It's an amazing new building, if you haven't seen it, and the architecture and design both inside and out is worthy of a visit. While I was on the roof I saw these guys, down below, and when I left the Spertus I had to find out what they were all about.
Well, twin brother, Ryan & Trevor, were drawing the exterior of the Spertus and the view down Michigan Ave. They do perspective tracings, focusing on a single vertical slip of paper at a time, tracing over the lines that already exist in the enviornment. It's an all day process, to do a strip or two, and an entire landscape is about a week. Unfortunately, I was swamped during this time and missed seeing their opening at the Spertus. Regardless, Trevor and Ryan Oakes are two people to be watched in this Art World, they may have well struck gold! Good luck boys and hope to see you in Chicago again very soon. Enjoy!

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