Friday, August 8, 2008

Carla's Puppies-Part 2

Once again we revisit the puppies growing up down the street. Unfortunately, this was the last time I got a chance to shoot these babies, July was a crazy month! But here they are, a little bigger, still suckling their mommy's teet while Sadie watches curiously, since she's not allowed to get near the little suckers, Carla's a protective mommy. Now the puppies are fighting with each other, munching on each other's fur, and starting to get into trouble. Aren't they sweet...
Enjoy the pics!

Shooting Interiors

So, with the launch of my website I sent emails to everyone in my contact list to announce it. A previous client, someone I had shot an event for, saw my underground pictures and thought I would make a good photographer at shooting interiors. For my first day of shooting they sent me to the Merchandise Mart where I got to shoot interiors of showrooms that they had constructed for clients. The highlight of my day was shooting the Herman Miller showroom since I've been a fan of their work for years. All in all here are four showrooms, Cargenie, Vitra, Stylex & Herman Miller. Enjoy!

End of Kindergarten Party

For the end of kindergarten at SSDS, my favorite client threw a pool party for all of the kids in the class. In addition to tons of noodles to play with in the pool there were activities for the lawn like the balloon toss, an obstacle course, and running with an egg(OK, a cotton ball) on a spoon. What cracked me up the most was how most of the kids figured out how to cheat pretty quickly, holding that cotton ball with a thumb, and when the boys got bored they turned their balloons to the pretty girls who were hired as extra hands to keep watch over them, smart boys!!! Enjoy the pics!